by - January 03, 2019



Being in final year and with the placement stuff going on, it literally taught me face slapping lessons. Let’s keep it brief and direct to the point.

  1. There’s more to life than photographs

          Behind those four-squared frames, Nobody knows what happens in between every photographs, the pain, struggles & breakdowns of a person. That is why don’t pretend that people who loves posting on social media about everything got what you called a perfect life. In short, don't define yourself with all of these. We all have our own battles and there’s more to life, you’ll just have to believe, step up to the game of the reality world by being who you are.


REMEMBER THIS: All those stories you see are fictional and just one percent of someone’s life. Their life is as real and messy as yours. Stop comparing and feel bad about yourself.

2.   “There’s a thing about pain. It needs to be felt.”

          Feel it. Embrace it. Don’t run away from it. Just keep it inside. Cry your heart out. It’s okay but let it do its work. Let it destroy your heart to pieces and shatter every hope you have. Allow it discard old ideas, old beliefs to only construct a new and fresh perspective towards life. Remember, pain only makes you stronger.


3. Celebrate your small successes

       Reward yourself from time to time. Buy expensive clothes, shoes, go to parties, meet new people, travel the world & do whatever you want. LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST. You have fought hard and overcame all the obstacles. It was not easy. Appreciate that. Be happy. Be a little narcissistic.


4. You are alone!!!!

      The sooner you accept the better. Your family, friends, partners can only guide you to the last step but the final decision will always be yours. No one will clean the mess you made. No one will take responsibility for your actions. Forever and always is a lie. You are on your own buddy. Be wise.

5. Don’t force connections with people who make you feel less than amazing

      This was a pretty tumultuous year in my social life, and I came out of it having learned quite a few life lessons from this, the most striking of which is also the simplest:  If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, awkward, talking craps behind you, making epic stories that defines who you were, judging you by the wrong doings you made or for whatever reason, they’re not worth it to what we call a "friend material." If they make you feel like you can’t be yourself, or if they make you feel dumb or “less than” in any way, don’t pursue a connection with them.  There are so many people in the world with whom you can connect easily and naturally, who energize you and inspire you to be your best self. It makes no sense to force it with people who aren’t a good match. it go, let it go, let it go. Fuck F A K E friends!


6. Sometimes it’s too bad to be too good with all the people

     But always remember, fuck what they think? You know your story and yourself even more. Let it go. Accept, forgive and moveon. Don’t just keep looking in the past all the time. It happened and you can’t change it. Time travel will always be fictional mate. Let God handle them, sweetie! ♥

7.  Meditation

      For me, it really helped a lot this year. It is the most powerful way to get joy and good vibes also it helps you to gain focus, if you don't know how to start with you can you apps like (Headspace, Calm,etc..)

8. Proverbs 3:6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”


Lastly, never forget that He is always by your side. This past few years, I was emotionally lost. Do you ever talk to yourself? Surely you do. We are discussing in our mind what do we feel about things, how we view things, and what we want to happen. We are so confused and keep doubting about our faith to Him. With all of these questions popping on my head, I pulled myself together and came to my senses that every person who left me, judged my pasts, reminded me I'm worthless even though I gave my all, showed who I really was to the others but the again every time I go to Church and attend Holy events at our Chapel, it was just so surreal that He is truly amazing because He never did leave me despite my doubts unto him, my wrong actions that made me so cruel of myself, he showed me reasons who really were the people that I should keep in my life forever. He has ways and now, here I am, fighting the battle of reality, focusing myself straight to what I really desired and of course writing this blog to inspire all of you that He is truly POWERFUL. We just have to keep our Faith stronger and trust every thing to Him.

“For with God nothing shall be impossible” -Luke 1:36


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